Biophysics, Gravitational Biology

+7 (916) 777-1053

Experiments Programs

“Biosputnik”, “Bion” and “Photon” programs

Biomedical programs

From the very beginning of the space research era much attention was paid to develop various methods of maintaining the health and efficiency of crew members going into space, which would guarantee successful and effective implementation of the flight program. When man leaves the Earth’s surface, in his body develop complex and interrelated changes that capture various tissues and organs and which cannot be removed by simple and unidirectional ways. The reason is that by their nature psychological and physiological systems of a person are closely related and interdependent. Any change, no matter how small it may be, inevitably leads to numerous shifts in other systems. And some of those changes go unnoticed because there is no nerve receptors of bone and muscle tissue weight loss or disorders of the immune system, and many changes are developing at all levels — from molecular to organismic. Complex interdependence of the body systems are quite well described for usual environment on the Earth, but the study of the interaction of psychological and physiological systems during space flight remains a top priority.

The history of the development of biological research in space onboard the unmanned space vehicles such as “Bion” and “Photon” has a history of more than thirty years. During this period, numerous experiments on various biological objects was prepared and carried out. These objects were microorganisms of resting and germinating seeds of plants, unicellular eukaryotic organisms, culture of cells and tissues, invertebrates, lower and higher vertebrates. Development of research programs, research methods, onboard equipment, the preparation of flight experiments and post-flight analysis of biological material in different periods since the mid 70ies was made by experts from Russia, European countries and the USA.

Research in the field of cell biology, performed in flight of unmanned spacecrafts (mainly specialized biological satellites) gave the opportunity to put forward a number of hypotheses and assumptions about the cellular and molecular mechanisms of the effects of microgravity on living systems, the role of molecular mechanisms in the regulation of the functioning of living systems in microgravity.

In “Biokosmos”, “Bion” and “Photon” space missions data were obtained on the basis of which were created the concepts of the mechanisms of adaptation of living systems to microgravity, and developed practical recommendations for manned space flight. According to most analysts, at the end of “Bion” and “Photon” satellite research programs about 50% of the world’s scientific information about the fundamentals of life in space was obtained in the course of the implementation of these programs. The result of these programs were also numerous scientific publications, a broad discussion of the results at scientific conferences, symposia and congresses and most importantly, a deeper understanding of how the organism responds to spaceflight conditions. All this became possible due to extensive internal and international scientific cooperation of the world leading scientific institutions.

The results of the research flights of unmanned spacecraft (SC) “Bion” and “Photon” allowed along with noticeable achievements in solving some fundamental problems, use the results of these studies in practical medicine, in particular to justify the feasibility of safe staying (from the standpoint of health) and active work of man in prolonged space flight.

“Bion” program

The “Bion” program has been developed to study the interactions of human body systems in altered gravity. Russian-American cooperation in space missions of “Bion” series began in 1975 with the cooperation of Russian and American specialists on conducting experiments on board of the “Kosmos-782” SC (also known as “Bion-3”). Joint works lasted for 7 flights of Russian “Cosmos”/”Bion” SC series. The last SC of this series was launched in December 1996. Preferences in “Biokosmos” spacecraft flying was given not to fundamental researches, but to works that can provide answers to critical questions and/or help solve the critical problems associated with the moving towards deep space exploration.

The experiments on each “Biokosmos” flight has been focused on problem solving of the following areas:

  • The immune system, immunosuppression and carcinogenesis;
  • Radiation damage and protection from radiation exposure;
  • The combined effect of microgravity and radiation;
  • Wound healing;
  • Pharmacodynamics;
  • Neurophysiological reaction to the action of space flight factors;
  • Metabolism and nutrition;
  • Testing of integrated measures of prevention;
  • Artificial gravity;
  • Changes in the function of skeletal-muscular apparatus, sensorimotor and cardiovascular systems;
  • Advanced life support systems

Spacecraft module, which carried the payload, was a spherical structure with a diameter of 2.5 m, to which the power unit and the service module has been connected. The total weight of the whole complex amounted to 6,540 kg, including 700 kg of payload placed inside and 200 kg payload placed outside of the return module. When launched from the Baikonur cosmodrome modified carrier rocket Soyuz delivered the “Biokosmos” SC on the near-circular orbit with inclination angle of 63° and a height of 450 km. The descent from orbit and soft landing was made after 45 days after launching in the south of Russia near the city of Orenburg.

The “Biokosmos” (“Bion-M”) SC flight allowed:

  • Use handy automatic platform for long-term (30 day) studies of the effect of space flight factors on the biophysical, biochemical and biomolecular processes in various organisms — from bacteria to rodents;
  • Research scientists to have an opportunity to obtain experimental data comparable with the results of studies on the rodents previously performed on flights of “Bion” and “Shuttle” SC, and at the same time provide the possibility of conducting experiments for a new generation of biologists;
  • To provide basis for the implementation of biological and physical research using dangerous (or causing objections) ways, including high levels of radiation, harmful substances, pathogenic or toxic materials;
  • To provide low-cost, regular, low risk access to unmanned SC, which allows to quickly develop and test automated physical, chemical and biological technologies for future manned missions;
  • To accelerate the development and testing of new micro – and nanosensors, which together with improved information technologies will allow to receive and accumulate biological data “in situ” on the Earth and in space flight;
  • To maintain the interest of educational organizations for space research and their experience in the knowledge dissemination by providing opportunities for experiments in space;
  • Conduct experiments on a large number of experimental animals, placing 6 to 8 units of animals in each spacecraft. To pick the orbital parameters (altitude, inclination angle, etc.), graphics of launching and landing, as well as the duration of each flight with respect to the scientific program.
“Photon” program

By 2005, “Photon-M” SC was almost the only spacecraft to conduct a wide range of experiments in materials science, biology, biotechnology with the resource of functioning from 16 to 30 hours and with a payload weight of 600 to 850 kg at altitudes close to the height of the International Space Station (ISS) operation and ensuring delivery of results of the experiments to the Earth. Development of the scientific program, preparation of experiments and post-flight analysis of the biomaterial were conducted jointly by Russian specialists and experts from the University of Montana and Ames Research Center, NASA, USA.

Automatic “Foton-M” №2 SC, designed for scientific researches, was launched from the Baikonur cosmodrome (Kazakhstan) on may 31, 2005. The spacecraft operated in earth orbit from 31 May to 16 June 2005 with the flight parameters: apogee – 304 km, perigee – 262 km, the orbit angle – 63°, the orbital period – 90 minutes. Barometric pressure during the flight ranged from 744 to 746 mm Hg. The temperature according to the telemetry data inside the pressurized sections of the descent module (DM) during the entire flight time did not fall below 18°C and did not rise above 20°C, the radiation situation was normal. After 16 days DM landed safely in Northern Kazakhstan near the Kustanay city. The main payload placed onboard this SA belonged to the European space Agency (ESA) and was intended for experiments in theoretical physics and materials science. After landing, the flight containers with the experimental material were brought to Moscow in 30 hours after the flight end. The control (synchronous) experiment was performed at the State research center of RF – Institute of Biomedical Problems of Russian Academy of Sciences (IBMP RAS) with the time shift of 2 days – from 2 to 18 June 2005.

In the experiments carried out in flight of the “Photon-M” №2 SC were used for molecular genetic methods of analysis of biological samples exposed to space flight and set on the ground (ground control experiment). Study of features of structural organization of these crops flight patterns in comparison with ground control allowed to identify a number of key mechanisms of perception and realization of the gravity stimulus in the cell. Comparative express-analysis of flight and control samples of biological material with the use of specific methods was done in cooperation with US experts in the relevant RAS scientific institutions in Moscow. After this part of the biomaterial fixed and preserved at low temperature, was sent to the United States, and the other part was analyzed in Moscow.

In flight of “Photon-M” №2 SC was prepared and carried out 4 biological experiments: “Plasmid-F2”, “Receptor-F2”, “Regeneration-F2” and “Gecko-F2, using as objects of study, respectively: microorganisms, invertebrates and lower vertebrates animals. A detailed description of the experiments, including the scientific program, the goals and objectives of each experiment, a description of the research objects (their biology, habitat, and behavioral characteristics), methods of pre – and post-flight analysis of biological material, equipment, organization, preparation and conduct of studies cited in publications and are partially presented in the attached materials.
Icon of BIOKOSMOS. Bioastronautics programs / Биокосмос. Программы космобиологии BIOKOSMOS. Bioastronautics programs / Биокосмос. Программы космобиологии (1.3 MiB)
Icon of BIOBOX. Experiments Critical Design Review / BIOBOX.Cхемы экспериментов, аппаратура, организация BIOBOX. Experiments Critical Design Review / BIOBOX.Cхемы экспериментов, аппаратура, организация (5.8 MiB)
Icon of BION-10. Biological Experiments on the Satellite / BION10. Биологические эксперименты BION-10. Biological Experiments on the Satellite / BION10. Биологические эксперименты (11.8 MiB)
Icon of BioCosmos, Photon M2, M3 / Биокосмос, Фотон M2, M3 BioCosmos, Photon M2, M3 / Биокосмос, Фотон M2, M3 (726.6 KiB)
Icon of Photon M2 experiments in fundamental biology / Эксперименты по фундаментальной биологии в полете КА "Фотон-М" №2 Photon M2 experiments in fundamental biology / Эксперименты по фундаментальной биологии в полете КА "Фотон-М" №2 (391.3 KiB)

Research on fundamental cell biology in flight of unmanned SC

Space biology has significant experimental material about the influence of the main physical factors of spaceflight (such as microgravity and space radiation) on living organisms. Such phenomena as the loss of bone and muscle mass, changes in the immune and hematopoietic system, violation of water-salt metabolism until more is studied on the physiological and morphological level. The main objective of “Biokosmos”, “Bion” and “Photon” programs was to further insight into the molecular mechanisms of actions of space flight factors.

In the framework of these tasks, the purpose of the “Photon” experiment was further study of the mechanisms of influence of space flight factors on living systems. During this program was prepared and carried out 4 biological experiments: “Plasmid-F2”, “Receptor-F2”, “Regeneration-F2” and “Gecko-F2, using as objects of study, respectively: microorganisms, invertebrates and lower vertebrates animals.

PLASMID (studies on microorganisms)

In “Plasmid-F2” experiment, the lower fungi-actinomycetes Streptomices lividcms 66 strain (pIL 702) were used as the object of investigation. The experiment was conducted jointly by the laboratory of genetics of actinomycetes of Institute of Genetics and Selection of Microorganisms of the Russian Federation (Moscow) and the Department of Microbiology of the University Of Montana (USA). The effect of space flight conditions on the stability of the genetic apparatus of cells was studied.

Studied the mechanism of partial transfer and mobilization of plasmids after prolonged inactivated strains of the donors, holters and recipients in space flight conditions. The effect of space flight factors (SFF) mainly of microgravity on DNA and the possible increase in the structural instability and occurrence of mutations in plasmid was studied. The data obtained allowed to identify the features and dynamics of plasmid DNA transmission in the processes of intergeneric conjugation in conditions of microgravity, to assess the probability and the behavior of infectious diseases of astronauts.

RECEPTOR (research on invertebrates — crustaceans)

In “Receptor-F2” experiment the grape snails Helix lucorum was used as the object of study. The nature and dynamics of statoconia morphogenesis in microgravity, as well as the assessment of the significance of the gravitational factor in the processes of formation and growth of statoconia was studied. A comprehensive study using molecular-genetic and electrophysiological methods was conducted. There was also performed an assessment of the functional state of gravireceptor in weightlessness and during readaptation including:

  • the study of impulse activity of statocyst receptor in repose;
  • – the study of impulse activity of statocyst receptor to vertical sinusoidal damped oscillations;

REGENERATION (studies in lower vertebrates — amphibians)

In “Regeneration-F2” experiment the amphibians – newts Pleurodeles waltii was used as the object of study. The main goal of the experiment was to identify the role of the gravitational factor in the processes of regeneration and reparation of organs, tissues and the hematopoietic system, the study of the space flight factors influence on the proliferative activity of cells. In this experiment, the first attempt was made to study the expression of regulatory genes in regeneration and reparation processes with the use of so-called DNA chips, which allows to estimate the restructuring of the expression of a large number of genes. Experiment program was also scheduled comparative study of the composition of cytokines and stress proteins in the regenerates of flight and control animals and the study of the reaction of hematopoietic tissue of ribbed newts Pleurodeles walt to the space flight factors, including:

  • study of the blood cellular composition and histological analysis of the hematopoietic organs of the newt Pleurodeles walt;
  • study of the space flight factors influence on clonogenic hemopoietic cells of newts spined;
  • study of the hematopoietic system of amphibians;
  • determination of the effect of blood loss on the peripheral blood hemogram of newts.

GECKO (studies in lower vertebrates — reptiles)

In the experiment “Gecko – F2” used reptiles lizard Pachydactylus bibroni were used. Investigations were made of the effect of microgravity on morphological and functional parameters of the nervous system, skeleton and endocrine organs of the Gecko with histological studies of post-flight changes in the tissues of the Central nervous system, peripheral sensory organs (visual, auditory, vestibular, olfactory and vomeronasal system), musculoskeletal system (bone, cartilage, ligament), endocrine and reproductive system.
Icon of Photon M2. Program, gravitational  biology and biotechnology  / Фотон М2. Программа, гравитационная  биология и космическая биотехнология Photon M2. Program, gravitational biology and biotechnology / Фотон М2. Программа, гравитационная биология и космическая биотехнология (235.4 KiB)
Icon of Photon M2 program results / Фотон M2 результаты программы Photon M2 program results / Фотон M2 результаты программы (1.8 MiB)
Icon of Photon M2 experiments results  1/ Фотон M2 результаты экспериментов 1 Photon M2 experiments results 1/ Фотон M2 результаты экспериментов 1 (1.3 MiB)
Icon of Photon M2 experiments results 2/ Фотон M2 результаты экспериментов 2 Photon M2 experiments results 2/ Фотон M2 результаты экспериментов 2 (1.4 MiB)
Icon of Molecular biological and cytochemical approaches / Молекулярно-биологические и цитохимические подходы Molecular biological and cytochemical approaches / Молекулярно-биологические и цитохимические подходы (316.5 KiB)
Icon of Study of influence of space flight factors on regeneration and hemopoiesis /  Изучение влияния факторов космического полета на регенерацию и гемопоэз Study of influence of space flight factors on regeneration and hemopoiesis / Изучение влияния факторов космического полета на регенерацию и гемопоэз (316.5 KiB)
Icon of Photon M3 experiments planning , 1/  Фотон M3 планирование экспериментов , 1 Photon M3 experiments planning , 1/ Фотон M3 планирование экспериментов , 1 (566.0 KiB)
Icon of Photon M3 experiments planning, 2 / Фотон M3 планирование экспериментов, 2 Photon M3 experiments planning, 2 / Фотон M3 планирование экспериментов, 2 (384.7 KiB)
Icon of Experiments with mammals / Эксперименты с млекопитающими Experiments with mammals / Эксперименты с млекопитающими (332.0 KiB)
Icon of Photon M2 preparation and organization of experiments / Фотон M2 подготовка и организация экспериментов Photon M2 preparation and organization of experiments / Фотон M2 подготовка и организация экспериментов (326.0 KiB)
Icon of Photon M2 experiments description 1 / Фотон M2 описание экспериментов 1 Photon M2 experiments description 1 / Фотон M2 описание экспериментов 1 (418.1 KiB)
Icon of Photon M2 experiments protocols / Фотон M2 протоколы экспериментов Photon M2 experiments protocols / Фотон M2 протоколы экспериментов (308.3 KiB)
Icon of Аnalysis of cell proliferation in newt (pleurodeles waltl) tissue regeneration during spaceflight in Photon M2 / - Аnalysis of cell proliferation in newt (pleurodeles waltl) tissue regeneration during spaceflight in Photon M2 / - (287.7 KiB)
Icon of Effects on hemopoiesis of lower vertebrates flown on Photon M2 / - Effects on hemopoiesis of lower vertebrates flown on Photon M2 / - (259.4 KiB)
Icon of "Cytoskeleton" experiment in altered gravity / Эксперимент "Цитоскелет"  в условиях измененной силы тяжести "Cytoskeleton" experiment in altered gravity / Эксперимент "Цитоскелет" в условиях измененной силы тяжести (219.1 KiB)
Icon of Photon M3 Russia-German program experiments description (schemes, organization, equipment) / Фотон M3 описание экспериментов программы  СССР-ГДР (схемы, организация, оборудование) Photon M3 Russia-German program experiments description (schemes, organization, equipment) / Фотон M3 описание экспериментов программы СССР-ГДР (схемы, организация, оборудование) (1.1 MiB)
Icon of Photon M3 Russia-Ukraine program experiments description (schemes, organization, equipment) / Фотон M3 описание экспериментов программы  Россия-Украина (схемы, организация, оборудование) Photon M3 Russia-Ukraine program experiments description (schemes, organization, equipment) / Фотон M3 описание экспериментов программы Россия-Украина (схемы, организация, оборудование) (2.5 MiB)
Icon of Photon M3 "Plasmid" eхрeriment proposal / Фотон M3 "Плазмида" предложения по эксперименту Photon M3 "Plasmid" eхрeriment proposal / Фотон M3 "Плазмида" предложения по эксперименту (144.4 KiB)
Icon of PhotonM2 "Plasmid" eхрeriment management plan / ФотонM2 "Плазмида".план эксперимента PhotonM2 "Plasmid" eхрeriment management plan / ФотонM2 "Плазмида".план эксперимента (585.8 KiB)
Icon of Photon M3 "Receptor II" research proposal, 1 / Фотон M3 "Рецептор II" предложения по эксперименту, 1 Photon M3 "Receptor II" research proposal, 1 / Фотон M3 "Рецептор II" предложения по эксперименту, 1 (197.0 KiB)
Icon of Photon M3 "Receptor II" research proposal, 2 / Фотон M3 "Рецептор" предложения по эксперименту, 2 Photon M3 "Receptor II" research proposal, 2 / Фотон M3 "Рецептор" предложения по эксперименту, 2 (450.7 KiB)
Icon of Foton M2 "Regeneration" experiment / Фотон M2 эксперимент "Регенерация" Foton M2 "Regeneration" experiment / Фотон M2 эксперимент "Регенерация" (167.2 KiB)
Icon of Photon M3 "Regeneration II" experiments proposal / Фотон M3 "Регенерация II" предложения по эксперименту Photon M3 "Regeneration II" experiments proposal / Фотон M3 "Регенерация II" предложения по эксперименту (813.1 KiB)
Icon of Photon M3 "Regeneration II" and "Gecko H" experiments proposal / Фотон M3 предложения по экспериментам "Регенерация II" и "Геккон II" Photon M3 "Regeneration II" and "Gecko H" experiments proposal / Фотон M3 предложения по экспериментам "Регенерация II" и "Геккон II" (476.5 KiB)
Icon of PhotonM2 "Gecko" experiment management plan / ФотонM2 план эксперимента "Геккон" PhotonM2 "Gecko" experiment management plan / ФотонM2 план эксперимента "Геккон" (586.4 KiB)
Icon of Photon M3 ""Protodyn*" experiment preliminary results / Фотон M3 предварительные результаты эксперимента "Protodyn*" Photon M3 ""Protodyn*" experiment preliminary results / Фотон M3 предварительные результаты эксперимента "Protodyn*" (313.8 KiB)
Icon of "Recomb" experiment description /  Эксперимент "Рекомб", описание "Recomb" experiment description / Эксперимент "Рекомб", описание (206.7 KiB)
Icon of "Rodenzia" experiment description / Эксперимент "Роденция", описание "Rodenzia" experiment description / Эксперимент "Роденция", описание (196.6 KiB)
Icon of "Statokonia" experiment description / Эксперимент "Статокония", описание "Statokonia" experiment description / Эксперимент "Статокония", описание (228.8 KiB)
Icon of "V" experiment description / Эксперимент "V", описание "V" experiment description / Эксперимент "V", описание (282.8 KiB)
Icon of "Vita1-2" experiments description /  Эксперименты "Vita1-2", описание "Vita1-2" experiments description / Эксперименты "Vita1-2", описание (208.0 KiB)
Icon of PhotonM2 containers/ Фотон M2  контейнеры PhotonM2 containers/ Фотон M2 контейнеры (910.9 KiB)

Organization, equipment and technical provision

The international space programs “Biokosmos”, “Bion” and “Photon” required for its implementation the creation multi-level system of international cooperation for development, planning, conducting and processing the results of experiments. In the implementation of these programs complexes of biomedical equipment used as a basis for the development of key blocks of the next generation hardware was designed and created.
Icon of PhotonM2. Access documents / Фотон M2. Разрешительные документы PhotonM2. Access documents / Фотон M2. Разрешительные документы (290.0 KiB)
Icon of Photon M2 conference / Фотон М2 конференция Photon M2 conference / Фотон М2 конференция (224.3 KiB)
Icon of Photon M3 conference materials / Фотон M3 материалы конференции Photon M3 conference materials / Фотон M3 материалы конференции (318.1 KiB)
Icon of BION. Experiments, schemes and equipment / БИОН. Эксперименты, схемы и оборудование BION. Experiments, schemes and equipment / БИОН. Эксперименты, схемы и оборудование (6.1 MiB)
Icon of BIOCOSMOS. Schemes, organization, equipment / Биокосмос. Схемы, организация, оборудование BIOCOSMOS. Schemes, organization, equipment / Биокосмос. Схемы, организация, оборудование (1.4 MiB)
Icon of Photon M2 meeting Protocols 1 / Фотон M2 протоколы совещаний 1 Photon M2 meeting Protocols 1 / Фотон M2 протоколы совещаний 1 (533.9 KiB)
Icon of PhotonM2. Plan and report on PhotonM2 equipment development / Фотон М2.  Отчет ОКР по аппаратуре PhotonM2. Plan and report on PhotonM2 equipment development / Фотон М2. Отчет ОКР по аппаратуре (530.1 KiB)
Icon of PhotonM2. Readiness of the equipment report / ФотонM2. Отчет о готовности аппаратуры PhotonM2. Readiness of the equipment report / ФотонM2. Отчет о готовности аппаратуры (521.2 KiB)
Icon of PhotonM2. Launch protocol / ФотонM2. Протокол запуска PhotonM2. Launch protocol / ФотонM2. Протокол запуска (329.4 KiB)
Icon of Photon M3 program agreements / Фотон M3 cоглашения по программе Photon M3 program agreements / Фотон M3 cоглашения по программе (198.2 KiB)